Yamaha V-Star Classic
Data Acquisition System (DAS) and Installation

Data Acquisition System

The installed instrumentation (data acquisition system, or DAS) will collect data using a number of sensors and video cameras whenever the bike is running. The DAS that will be used for this study will compile data from the bike’s instruments as well as from sensors added for this study. The general design characteristics for the DAS include the following:

  1. Compatible with the motorcycle
  2. Minimal physical space required.
  3. Lightweight (about the weight of a laptop computer in a bag).
  4. Non–distracting.
  5. Requires no permanent modifications to the bike; any mounting will be done on replacement panels, and yours will be re-installed on your bike after the study. 
  6. Automatic start–up, shut–down, and continuous operation while riding.
  7. Continuous multi–camera video recording system to capture rider’s face and forward and rear views.

There are several primary components to the motorcycle instrumentation: The main unit, the video cameras, the front radar, and  the GPS receiver.

Main Unit

The main DAS unit serves as the central hub for data collection and contains the encrypted hard drive used to store data.  It is approximately the size and weight of a laptop computer in a carrying case, and will be mounted to the bike as seen in in the picture below.

Video Cameras

Digital video cameras will be used to continuously record the driver and the driving environment.  Four cameras are mounted near the instrument cluster, as seen in the pictures below.  These are designed to be low-profile and unobtrusive while still allowing views of the forward roadway and rider’s head, and down the left and right sides of the bike.   A camera will also be mounted at the rear of the bike to allow a view to the rear of the motorcycle.

Front Radar

Radar will be mounted on the front of the motorcycle for data collection.  It does not function as a radar detector and is legal to have on the motorcycle.



The DAS will be installed on your motorcycle during your enrollment session. You will be asked to bring your motorcycle to the research facility to have the DAS installed. Before we begin installation, we will show you where we intend to place the system and show you pictures of what a completed installation will look like.